New World Challenges

Author Details

Judge Tafsir Malick Ndiaye

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Published: 6 April 2020 | Article Type :


The coronavirus (Covid-19) is a singularphenomenonwhoseeruption has transformed planet Earth into a planetary village generating a kind of cosmopolitanism. Given the disagreements observed in the world on the posture of WHO, to deal with the above phenomenon, this specialized agency of the United Nations system can appeal to the International Court of Justice and request an advisory opinion so as to have elements of policy which is favored by the greatest number. Ladies and gentlemen. Sincethereisthis "carpentrydevice" thatiscalledthrone and men to settle in, man himself has nowhere to go. In other words, the individualis in exile in the society of states. One can observe the unreliability of the paradigmdominating the world. In fact, in one quarter, the virus caused the world'sgreatestpowers to retreat by 70 years, withoutendowingthemwithgreaterwisdom, because the leaders of our world are "business-minded". Developing countries must have a resilience system thatwillallowthem to deal withthis type of devastating and unpredictablephenomenonforever. On the other hand, the measurestakenlinked to the confinement and the closing of borders have generated a singularreduction in pollution, whichpromotessustainability for all the states with, on the one hand, climate change, and on the other , the issue of marine geneticresources.

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How to Cite


Judge Tafsir Malick Ndiaye. (2020-04-06). "New World Challenges." *Volume 3*, 2, 15-34